Welcome again!
I will present you the AD Carry standard mastery. And i will explain why should you use it, and why is it good.
So the first one is the standard Mastery for every basic ADC.
This is my standard ad carry mastery.
So the explanation:
The offense:21 point need because you need 21 points to use the last mastery point here.
I hope that I could help with my all tips to build your adc experiences. You can ask me on East/Nordic named as ProgripLIVE.
This is a cool mastery point to harrass your enemy, but it takes a little damage to you. For melees as you can see better than rangeds but for adcs its great because you have to build life steal items like Blade of the Ruined King or Bloodthirster so it will retain your health on full. |
Fury is for ranged champions who is about attack speed and don't have the abilites to deal damage with. It is good for Ashe's (Q), Caitlyn's (Passive), Draven's (Q), Graves (E), Jinx (Q), Kog'Maw (W), Miss Fortune's (W), Quinn's (W), Sivir's (W), Teemo's (E), Tristana's (Q), Twitch's (Passive), Varus's (W), Vayne's (W). |
This mastery point gives you more sustain to harass, push your lane up, and it gives you an easier way to lasthit with your AA(Auto attack). |
This mastery needs for every adc I think. It's give the most important thing for AD carries - The Attack Damage. |
This mastery needs for every adc I think. It's give the most important thing for AD carries - The Attack Damage. |
This mastery is good when you are in fight or you just poked down the enemies below 50% Health to go and fight. This mastery point gives you 5% more damage (not a really huge damage but it is cool.) also gives you more chance to take the kill from Jungler or Support. |
This mastery needs for every adc I think. It's give the most important thing for AD carries - The Attack Damage.
This mastery point is good mostly vs tanky champions or vs support who build mostly Armor vs you, and it's good vs junglers. But This mastery is one of the best matery for all champions in game, so it's very important one. |
This mastery point is good if you build your adc to crit chance. But I think it is an important mastery point for all adcs. |
Not really huge damage but it is 3% so it's not bad for one mastery point the last point in offense. |
This mastery gives you more defensive vs all champions basic attacks. |
If you are in trouble you can go under your turret and wait for the minion wave there and it will give you a little health for this time. |
This mastery gives you more defensive vs all champions basic attacks.
It gives you more way to be offensive in early game not a lot health but it mostly good for early game. |
This is good at early game, and also good at late game. The more health the more way to be offensive. |
Why do not use this mastery? Really simple. A lot player think that it gives you 5% armor and magic resistance. But it gives you 5% BONUS armor and magic resistance. So in early game it gives you maximum 1-1 or lower. For adc's I think noone have to build armor and magic resistance only the Guardian Angel but it's not enough to use this mastery. at 200 BONUS Armor it gives only 10+ so 210 but with adc you will never have 200 Armor if you build your adc well. I think it's a useless mastery point for adcs. |