2013. december 17., kedd

Nidalee Guide

Hello guys!
Today I will make a guide for Nidalee.
This champion has one of the best instant damage in game if she can land her Q(Javelin).
She has pretty cool rotation after 6 level.

For early game: You have to start with Faerie Charm + ward + potions or 2 faerie + potions or doran's ring + potions.
In preseason mostly used first item is Athene's Unholy Grail. In early game you have to poke hard your opponent. You have to land your Q well so you have to train it. For Mid lane I prefer to use Q at level 1, for support I prefer W at level 1. If you are passive player then only W at level 1. You have good range so you can lasthit the cs easily. You need minimum 70cs at 10 min if you have lower you have to train more because easy to creep with Nidalee. After Athene's Unholy Grail I prefer you to buy Tear of the goddess to stack it 750 as fast as you can and also a Sorcerer's Shoes with Homeguard Enchant. Once you stack finished with Tear then buy Archangel's Staff (you do not care about the next items buy it if you stacked to full because the shield will give you nice protection, and the passive of this item will give more AP).

Mid game: you have to buy Rabadon's Deathcap. After this item you will have pretty OP damage with your Q, and your rotation. I prefer to use your Q as much as you can if it's landing once you will have chance to harass your enemy or to kill him/her. Try to be far away from your opponent - to deal more damage with your Q. Your rotation is Human form: Q W then R cat form: W Q E then R to Human form and again Q this damage will be huge. After your Rabadon's Deathcap buy Void Staff to deal higher damage. 

Late game: Now you have enough damage to kill all of your opponents you need some defensive item. Buy Abyssal Scepter or Liandry's Torment or Zhonya's Haurglass. You have to play now very safe if you want to survive. You have to spam your Q to harass your opponents and to poke all of them down. Do not start teamfights just stay defensive. If you can land some Q you will win Teamfights 100%. Once you poked down 1 from their 5 and you are as 5 you can start teamfight because you will have more chance as 5 than their 4. 

Summoner spells:
  • Flash - Ignite. (If you are agressive player this is yours.)
  • Flash - Barrier. (If you are passive creeper player this is yours.)
Ability sequence:
  • R>Q>E>W - If you are mid laner and your opponent has great damage.
  • R>Q>W>E - If you are mid laner and your opponent doesn't have great damage.
  • R>E>W>Q - If you are support and passive.
  • R>W>E>Q - If you are support and passive but you want to have more gold in mid game.
Your full build is:
  • Athene's Unholy Grail
  • Sorcerer's Shoes: Homeguard
  • Archangel's Staff
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Void Staff
  • Abyssal Scepter/Liandry's Torment/Zhonya's Hourglass(I prefer this last one.)
Mastery for Nidalee.
If you have problem with mana.
Runes for Nidalee.
I wish you good luck let's do it guys! If you have any question you can add me as your friend my name is ProgripLIVE on East/Nordic, bye.

What champion do you want in the next guide?

2013. december 15., vasárnap

Map skin installation guide

How to install MAP SKINS in League of Legends!? 

I make a short guide about map skin installation.

Step 1:
Go to this site: http://yurixyworks.com/skins/get/

Step 2:
After you clicked on it you have to scroll down a little and click on it:

Step 3:
After you clicked on it a new window/tab will pop up and you have to click on it:

Step 4:
Now you are downloaded the Skin Installer Ultimate. Make sure you unpacked it. And click on it 'Skin Installer Ultimate':

Step 5:
After you clicked on it you have to locate your League of Legends launcher exe - lol.launcher.exe - locate it and press enter.

Step 6:
After you located it a window will pop up press enter again, and the program will start, and for the loading. Your program have to look like this:

Step 7:
After it is loaded you have to click on Options->Edit all preferences and set up like this:

Step 8:
After you saved the setup you can download a map skin from here (I had problem with server1 - server 2 worked well if you have the same problem check that): 
http://yurixyworks.com/skins/get/ You can choose what mapskin you want from here and click to 'GET'.

Step 9:
After you downloaded the Map skin you have to drag it to Skin Installer Ultimate

Step 10:
After its loaded there will pop up a window and you can click on 'do not tell me again (red)' and a second window will pop up check the 'repeat my answer...' box and click on 'i am done adding files...'
there will pop up a window where you can set your map skin name and press ok. Again a window will pop up where you check the 'repeat my answer...' box and click on 'ok'. After this check your box before your map skin name and click on 'Install' and a window will pop up where you have to click on 'save'. Again a window will pop up where you have to uncheck all left side boxes and keep check only the right side box and click to 'Done'. A new window will pop up which one says 'Install done' you have to click on the 'ok' you are finished. 

Step 11: 
Log in and play with your new map skin! ;)

If you have any question you can add me on East/Nordic my name is ProgripLIVE, bye.

2013. december 13., péntek

Veigar Guide

Hello guys!
Today I will make a guide for Veigar because you voted for him.
He is pretty high burst mid champion.

Early game is about stacking your Q to get some AP. So try to last hit with your Q. After level 3 you will have enough damage to burst your opponents to low. Your E gives pretty op stun try to use it on your opponents. Your first item should be Doran's Ring with 2 pots 1 health 1 mana.
Your Q needs a lot mana in early game so you can't lasthit alltime with Q but try it if you can. If you are defensive player just buy 2 mana potion not 1-1. You need the blue buff on second spawn. 
Your first item is Deathfire Grasp (DFG). One of the best item for you. 
After you hit your level 6 you have to try to kill your opponent. Your rotation: E W DFG Q R. 
Your W will land after your dfg if you press it as fast as you should. If your opponent survive this ( no chance to survive) then just take an ignite on him and you killed him 100% but do not forget to ward. You have to be afraid of ganks if you started your burst on someone because you have CD on E so you cant escape just with flash, if your flash is on CD you have to save your E all the time. I just prefer you to lasthit every time if u can with Q and the 3 caster minion with your W that dmg will 100% kill them. In early levels you have to wait a little or 1-1-1 Auto attack on them and press W then on them it will kill them. If you have trouble with mana in early game you can buy Chalice of Harmony.

In mid game you can just press W and all of the enemy creeps will die 100%. You need all blue from the second. You have to build a lot AP. After DFG you have to buy Sorcerer's shoes with Homeguard enchant. 
If you bought it you can try to gank your another lanes to help them if possible. After the boots you have to buy more AP as I said so buy Rabadon's Deathcap if your opponents not on full burst, if they are OP you have to buy Zhonya's Hourglass. The third item is one of them too. You have nearly 400 AP after these Items or a little bit more. 

Your lategame starting now you have to buy some defensive Item It's your choice I prefer you Rylai's Crystal Scepter or Abyssal Scepter. Both of them great. After the defensive item you can buy Void Staff - Now your damage is 100% killing someone if you do the rotation well. You have to be afraid and stay behind your team mates in every fight. If you go in you are 100% dead, if you wait to the right time you win the game. 

Summoner spells:
  • Flash - Ignite.

Your full build is:
  • Deathfire Grasp
  • Sorcerer's Shoes: Homeguard
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Abyssal Scepter/Banshee's Veil
  • Void Staff
Mastery for Veigar.
Runes for Veigar.

This guide is for MID lane ofc.
I wish you good luck let's do it guys! If you have any question you can add me as your friend my name is ProgripLIVE on East/Nordic, bye.

What Champion do you want in the next guide? LET'S VOTE!

2013. december 12., csütörtök

Nasus Guide

Hello guys!
Today I will make a guide for Nasus because you voted for him.
This is one of my favourite champion. I carried my Gold league with this champion.
Your Q is one of the best ability in this game from all champions.

Your early game is hard a bit, but you can do well if you buy some health potions with a little defensive.
Your mastery and your runes have to be on defensive to protect your early game. You have to start lasthit with your Q at first level. If you are good lasthitter there will be no problem for you, but if you aren't just check your Q's damage and enemy minion's health and try to lasthit it with Q. You will gain stacks pretty hardly if you can lasthit with Q well. So for early game I just prefer you to play safe and farm your Q as you can. For first item I prefer Doran's shield with health potion or mana potion if you are offensive player health potion if you are defensive then mana potion. If your opponent is very offensive champion like riven or something like her, you have to buy first item Cloth armor with potions. 

Mid game: This is your time. You have now (I hope) enough stacks 100-200. Now you have the damage to deal with. You have to buy some protection. I just prefer to build your Nasus to full tanky, because you will have enough damage from your Q and you will outharrass your enemy adc pretty easily if you are so tanky as I say. Well your first item can be Randuin's Omen if your opponent on lane still being offensive vs you and he/she is AD. If your opponent is AP you have to buy Spirit Visage 1st. Your second item should be Boots.
You have to buy that one which is more important vs your opponents so if your opponents mostly AP you have to buy Mercury's Treads with Homeguard enchant. If your opponents are AD you have to buy Ninja Tabi with Homeguard enchant ofc. Well you have now 2 item so the third item have to be the Spirit Visage or the Randuin's Omen depends on your first item. I just prefer you to stack your Q as you can all time. This will win you the game 100%. Try to be on teamfights but try to stack if you can and it's possible. 

Late game: The longer your game the more chance to win. You have to build your tanky Nasus to full. I just prefer to buy Trinity force if your opponents can escape from fights good, if they can't you don't really need Trinity Force. If you need some damage buy Bloodthirster, but it's not that important thing. 99% of Nasus players buy Iceborn Gauntlet, but 80% of them don't know that if they lasthit 2 or more minion with their Q at the same time because of this item They won't get the stack for them. But I still prefer this item for you at the lategame because the Q will slow your opponents and you can harrass better. If you can just once get the enemy ADC you 100% get him/her. You are now nearly on full build. You can buy a little damage if you want to deal more I prefer you Last Whisper. If you want to survive fights I prefer you Guardian Angel.
Now you are on full build full tanky with a lot stacks if you lose then try to stack harder your Q and it's 100% you will win. Only 1 way your opponents have if you have good stacks and full build. If your teammates go to afk or directly feed or just playing alone all the time and your another mates going to fight 1v5 2v5 3v5 etc etc. So Nasus is one of the best carry champ in this game in my opinion.

Summoner spells: 
  • Ghost - Teleport for players who can stack pretty hard.(This is the best, you can backdoor with your op Q stacks.)
  • Flash - Ignite for those who want to just be offensive and fight every time.
  • Ghost - Ignite who want to stack and fight too. (This is the hardest but if you do it well you will be op in early game)

Your full build is:
  • Spirit Visage
  • Mercury's Treads
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Trinity Force
  • The Bloodthirster
  • Last Whisper

If your team has enough damage but only you as tank:
  • Spirit Visage
  • Mercury's Treads
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Iceborn Gauntlet/Trinity Force
  • Guardian Angel - Reworked to feel good Corey Martin <3

Runes for nasus.
Runes for Nasus2.
Mastery for Nasus.
This guide is for TOP lane but you can try it out on Jungle too but with smite and ghost or flash and ghost as you want ofc.
I wish you good luck let's do it guys! If you have any question you can add me as your friend my name is ProgripLIVE on East/Nordic, bye.

What Champion do you want in the next guide? LET'S VOTE!

2013. december 11., szerda

Zed Guide

Hello guys!
Today I will make a guide for Zed.
I really like this champion because he has pretty cool damage and one of the best focus.
His ultimate is very OP if you can use it well.

The early game is average, you can farm well if you can positioning good. I just prefer to play safe for the first 6 level, because your ultimate is the most important thing as Zed. But if you fight you take a lot of damage with your shadow and yourself. Your first item is Long sword with 3 Health Potion. You will build up as fast as you can The Brutalizer. After you got it you will have enough damage to harass or kill your enemy. The CDR from Brutalizer is pretty good for you. Mostly you deal damage from your abilities but if your opponent is under 50% health you will take a mark on him with your auto attack and that will deal 8% of the target's maximum health as bonus magic damage too so this is a pretty cool thing to lasthit better - easier. So after you bought Brutalizer you can start to build Blade of the Ruined King. If you are in trouble you can go back for potions and for Life steal. If you aren't then you can just farm farm farm and if you feel that you can kill your enemy because you poked down him/her well, then you can try it. If you get enough gold to get Blade of the Ruined King you can go back instantly, this item will give you cool defensive and offensivity also. 

Your mid game starting now. You can now fight and spam your ganks to another lanes as you can. You are mobility so you can escape from a lot fight and you can go in so easily. Your ganks will be usefull. Once you hit enough gold to Ionian boots you can buy it with Homeguard enchant. After you did it you still can spam your ganks but don't forget to save your mid turret aswell. You can start to buy Last Whisper. This item will give you more offensivity. You will deal very high damage to your opponents. Now you have to start a little defensive vs your opponents. You need health and a little armor. I prefer to buy Randuin's Omen, and also you can finish your Brutalizer to The Black Cleaver. 

You are nearly in the lategame now so just try to play with your teammates fight with them give a lot assist them and get some kills. Try to push together the mid get the tower and the inhibitor, because if you are waiting for the lategame you will be useless. In the lategame as Zed only you can kill (perhaps) the Adc and you will die or escape from fight because you use your abilities and escape - This is Zed. After your rotations down you will do good damage but not that op as an ADC or another Ad champion. I think Zed can dominate pretty well in the first 30-40 minute. If you are great it is 100% you won before you hit this time. A good Zed can easily win the match at 20-30 min. I just prefer you to buy a last item Guardian Angel and you still can do more thing in the teamfights if you maybe 'die'. And another cool thing for Zed is that your ultimate cooldown is little so you can fight so much. This is the reason why you 'have to' buy CDR.
If you feel that you don't to be tanky in late game you can buy Bloodthirster except Randuin's Omen. 

Summoner spells:
Flash - Ignite.

Your full build is:
  • The Black Cleaver
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Ionian boots: Homeguard
  • Last Whisper
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Guardian Angel
Runes for Zed
Mastery for Zed.

This guide is for MID lane but you can try it out on toplane too but top laners are more tanky so its harder.
I wish you good luck let's do it guys! If you have any question you can add me as your friend my name is ProgripLIVE on East/Nordic, bye.

What Champion do you want in the next guide? LET'S VOTE!

2013. december 10., kedd

Mordekaiser Guide

Hello guys!
Today I will make a guide for Mordekaiser.
I really like this champion because he has pretty cool damage with pretty cool protection.
His passive shield is very OP if you can use it well.

For early game:
I just buy 20AP (Amplifying Tome) 435G and a Red potion (Health Potion) 35G at start (You still have 5G), but it's pretty hard to play with if you play this champion first time or your opponent is ranged and pretty offensive. Your first 3 level is pretty hard and risk.
Once you have the money for Hextech Revolver 1200G - and that's why I buy 1st Amplifying Tome - Go and get it, just recall fast after you bushed your lane up.

Your middle game starting after you bought the Hextech Revolver. Now you hit the 3+lvl you have hextech, so you can start to farm Jungle wraiths. 1st the lane creeps 2nd your wraiths 3rd lane creeps again (in early level you will be slowly a bit) and 4th the enemy's wraiths if possible try to farm it all time and again your lane creeps your wraiths etc etc. You will have nearly 80 to 120 cs at 10 min and 80% your opponent will have lower amount. So you have more gold and you can be stronger than your opponent. I buy as fast as i can more AP after Hextech Revolver so i start with Blasting Ward 860G and I will build about it Rabadon's Deathcap. You will have a lot AP after this item so you can build your Hextech Revolver to Hextech Gunblade - the reason why gunblade except Will of the ancient is -> after the rework this item is bad for Mordekaiser because it gives mana regeneration and it is useless, but gunblade gives ad and your Q gives more dmg from AD so it's cool. You can buy boots after this - I prefer Magic Penetration boots - Sorcerer's shoes with enchant - Homeguard. Now you have pretty OP damage but lower protection only the passive shield. So you have to buy a little HP - I prefer you Haunting Guise this item gives you Magic penetration with HP and AP - so now you have a bit HP with a lot AP and Magic Penetration, but you don't have Magic Resist. You can build a bit Magic Resist with Health. Buy Spirit Visage that gives you more Health steal (Spellvamp/Life steal) and CDR with the HP and MGR. I think this is one of the best item for Mordekaiser.

You are nearly your lategame so now you can buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter that will gives you the slow effect after your abilities and the plus HP with AP so now you are pretty op tanky with such AP. If you want you can finish your Haunting Guise and buy Liandry's Torment or just sell Haunting Guise and buy Void Staff.
It's your choice if your enemy is op you need more HP so Liandry's Torment, but if your opponents not that op you can buy Void Staff.

After you have average 80 to 120cs at 10 min and 180 to 250 cs at 20 min you are nearly okay with Mordekaiser. Just don't feed and play safe let's farm as good as you can, and you will be unbeatable. If your opponents want to fight just decline it. If you feel that you have enough DMG you can start to fight every time but do not try the 2v1 or 3v1 in early game. You have 80% chance you will kill 1 from the 2v1 but you still give 1 kill for your enemy. So Just play safe farm and farm. After you are okay you will feel it and you will do it well. :) In teamfights I just prefer you to focus the ADC because your ultimate is pretty good after you killed someone and your ultimate used on him you will get his/her clone. So ADC clone is pretty OP - Ranged and deal a lot of damage from AD with a lot Attack Speed which one is pretty good for your passive shield. So let's play now and try it out if you are ready to play as Mordekaiser.

Summoner spells: 
Flash - Ignite.

Ability sequence:

Rune page for Mordekaiser:

Mastery for Mordekaiser:

So your full build is:

  • Hextech Gunblade
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Sorcerer's shoes: Homeguard
  • Liandry's Torment
  • Spirit Visage
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter

This guide is for MID lane but you can try it out on toplane too but top laners are more tanky so its harder.
I wish you good luck let's do it guys! If you have any question you can add me as your friend my name is ProgripLIVE on East/Nordic, bye.

What Champion do you want in the next guide? LET'S VOTE!

2013. december 9., hétfő

TSM Rune pages with love

Hello guys!

I will show you the TSM player's rune pages in this post.
I will title only the champion's rune pages. (Like Dyrus's Jax etc.)
This is my favourite team, they are working really hard to be better in this game, if you are bored or something you can follow all of their's stream, because they are streaming a lot.
These rune pages not the all, just the most important from them.

Top Lane: Marcus "Dyrus" Hill.

About him:

You can follow his stream here:

His rune pages:

Jax 2.
Jax Default.
AD Carry: Jason "WildTurtle" Tran

About him:

You can follow his stream here:

His rune pages:

Jungle: Brian "TheOddOne" Wyllie

About him:

You can follow his stream here:

His rune pages:


Jarvan IV
Lee Sin.

Udyr and Nautilus.
Mid lane: Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg

About him:

You can follow his stream here:

His rune pages:
Kassadin Tank.
Support: Alex "Xpecial" Chu

About him:

You can follow his stream here:

His rune pages: