2013. december 13., péntek

Veigar Guide

Hello guys!
Today I will make a guide for Veigar because you voted for him.
He is pretty high burst mid champion.

Early game is about stacking your Q to get some AP. So try to last hit with your Q. After level 3 you will have enough damage to burst your opponents to low. Your E gives pretty op stun try to use it on your opponents. Your first item should be Doran's Ring with 2 pots 1 health 1 mana.
Your Q needs a lot mana in early game so you can't lasthit alltime with Q but try it if you can. If you are defensive player just buy 2 mana potion not 1-1. You need the blue buff on second spawn. 
Your first item is Deathfire Grasp (DFG). One of the best item for you. 
After you hit your level 6 you have to try to kill your opponent. Your rotation: E W DFG Q R. 
Your W will land after your dfg if you press it as fast as you should. If your opponent survive this ( no chance to survive) then just take an ignite on him and you killed him 100% but do not forget to ward. You have to be afraid of ganks if you started your burst on someone because you have CD on E so you cant escape just with flash, if your flash is on CD you have to save your E all the time. I just prefer you to lasthit every time if u can with Q and the 3 caster minion with your W that dmg will 100% kill them. In early levels you have to wait a little or 1-1-1 Auto attack on them and press W then on them it will kill them. If you have trouble with mana in early game you can buy Chalice of Harmony.

In mid game you can just press W and all of the enemy creeps will die 100%. You need all blue from the second. You have to build a lot AP. After DFG you have to buy Sorcerer's shoes with Homeguard enchant. 
If you bought it you can try to gank your another lanes to help them if possible. After the boots you have to buy more AP as I said so buy Rabadon's Deathcap if your opponents not on full burst, if they are OP you have to buy Zhonya's Hourglass. The third item is one of them too. You have nearly 400 AP after these Items or a little bit more. 

Your lategame starting now you have to buy some defensive Item It's your choice I prefer you Rylai's Crystal Scepter or Abyssal Scepter. Both of them great. After the defensive item you can buy Void Staff - Now your damage is 100% killing someone if you do the rotation well. You have to be afraid and stay behind your team mates in every fight. If you go in you are 100% dead, if you wait to the right time you win the game. 

Summoner spells:
  • Flash - Ignite.

Your full build is:
  • Deathfire Grasp
  • Sorcerer's Shoes: Homeguard
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Abyssal Scepter/Banshee's Veil
  • Void Staff
Mastery for Veigar.
Runes for Veigar.

This guide is for MID lane ofc.
I wish you good luck let's do it guys! If you have any question you can add me as your friend my name is ProgripLIVE on East/Nordic, bye.

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