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Mordekaiser. |
Hello guys!
Today I will make a guide for Mordekaiser.
I really like this champion because he has pretty cool damage with pretty cool protection.
His passive shield is very OP if you can use it well.
For early game:
I just buy 20AP (Amplifying Tome) 435G and a Red potion (Health Potion) 35G at start (You still have 5G), but it's pretty hard to play with if you play this champion first time or your opponent is ranged and pretty offensive. Your first 3 level is pretty hard and risk.
Once you have the money for Hextech Revolver 1200G - and that's why I buy 1st Amplifying Tome - Go and get it, just recall fast after you bushed your lane up.
Your middle game starting after you bought the Hextech Revolver. Now you hit the 3+lvl you have hextech, so you can start to farm Jungle wraiths. 1st the lane creeps 2nd your wraiths 3rd lane creeps again (in early level you will be slowly a bit) and 4th the enemy's wraiths if possible try to farm it all time and again your lane creeps your wraiths etc etc. You will have nearly 80 to 120 cs at 10 min and 80% your opponent will have lower amount. So you have more gold and you can be stronger than your opponent. I buy as fast as i can more AP after Hextech Revolver so i start with Blasting Ward 860G and I will build about it Rabadon's Deathcap. You will have a lot AP after this item so you can build your Hextech Revolver to Hextech Gunblade - the reason why gunblade except Will of the ancient is -> after the rework this item is bad for Mordekaiser because it gives mana regeneration and it is useless, but gunblade gives ad and your Q gives more dmg from AD so it's cool. You can buy boots after this - I prefer Magic Penetration boots - Sorcerer's shoes with enchant - Homeguard. Now you have pretty OP damage but lower protection only the passive shield. So you have to buy a little HP - I prefer you Haunting Guise this item gives you Magic penetration with HP and AP - so now you have a bit HP with a lot AP and Magic Penetration, but you don't have Magic Resist. You can build a bit Magic Resist with Health. Buy Spirit Visage that gives you more Health steal (Spellvamp/Life steal) and CDR with the HP and MGR. I think this is one of the best item for Mordekaiser.
You are nearly your lategame so now you can buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter that will gives you the slow effect after your abilities and the plus HP with AP so now you are pretty op tanky with such AP. If you want you can finish your Haunting Guise and buy Liandry's Torment or just sell Haunting Guise and buy Void Staff.
It's your choice if your enemy is op you need more HP so Liandry's Torment, but if your opponents not that op you can buy Void Staff.
After you have average 80 to 120cs at 10 min and 180 to 250 cs at 20 min you are nearly okay with Mordekaiser. Just don't feed and play safe let's farm as good as you can, and you will be unbeatable. If your opponents want to fight just decline it. If you feel that you have enough DMG you can start to fight every time but do not try the 2v1 or 3v1 in early game. You have 80% chance you will kill 1 from the 2v1 but you still give 1 kill for your enemy. So Just play safe farm and farm. After you are okay you will feel it and you will do it well. :) In teamfights I just prefer you to focus the ADC because your ultimate is pretty good after you killed someone and your ultimate used on him you will get his/her clone. So ADC clone is pretty OP - Ranged and deal a lot of damage from AD with a lot Attack Speed which one is pretty good for your passive shield. So let's play now and try it out if you are ready to play as Mordekaiser.
Summoner spells:
Flash - Ignite.
Ability sequence:
Rune page for Mordekaiser:
Mastery for Mordekaiser:
So your full build is:
- Hextech Gunblade
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Sorcerer's shoes: Homeguard
- Liandry's Torment
- Spirit Visage
- Rylai's Crystal Scepter
This guide is for MID lane but you can try it out on toplane too but top laners are more tanky so its harder.
I wish you good luck let's do it guys! If you have any question you can add me as your friend my name is ProgripLIVE on East/Nordic, bye.
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