2013. december 11., szerda

Zed Guide

Hello guys!
Today I will make a guide for Zed.
I really like this champion because he has pretty cool damage and one of the best focus.
His ultimate is very OP if you can use it well.

The early game is average, you can farm well if you can positioning good. I just prefer to play safe for the first 6 level, because your ultimate is the most important thing as Zed. But if you fight you take a lot of damage with your shadow and yourself. Your first item is Long sword with 3 Health Potion. You will build up as fast as you can The Brutalizer. After you got it you will have enough damage to harass or kill your enemy. The CDR from Brutalizer is pretty good for you. Mostly you deal damage from your abilities but if your opponent is under 50% health you will take a mark on him with your auto attack and that will deal 8% of the target's maximum health as bonus magic damage too so this is a pretty cool thing to lasthit better - easier. So after you bought Brutalizer you can start to build Blade of the Ruined King. If you are in trouble you can go back for potions and for Life steal. If you aren't then you can just farm farm farm and if you feel that you can kill your enemy because you poked down him/her well, then you can try it. If you get enough gold to get Blade of the Ruined King you can go back instantly, this item will give you cool defensive and offensivity also. 

Your mid game starting now. You can now fight and spam your ganks to another lanes as you can. You are mobility so you can escape from a lot fight and you can go in so easily. Your ganks will be usefull. Once you hit enough gold to Ionian boots you can buy it with Homeguard enchant. After you did it you still can spam your ganks but don't forget to save your mid turret aswell. You can start to buy Last Whisper. This item will give you more offensivity. You will deal very high damage to your opponents. Now you have to start a little defensive vs your opponents. You need health and a little armor. I prefer to buy Randuin's Omen, and also you can finish your Brutalizer to The Black Cleaver. 

You are nearly in the lategame now so just try to play with your teammates fight with them give a lot assist them and get some kills. Try to push together the mid get the tower and the inhibitor, because if you are waiting for the lategame you will be useless. In the lategame as Zed only you can kill (perhaps) the Adc and you will die or escape from fight because you use your abilities and escape - This is Zed. After your rotations down you will do good damage but not that op as an ADC or another Ad champion. I think Zed can dominate pretty well in the first 30-40 minute. If you are great it is 100% you won before you hit this time. A good Zed can easily win the match at 20-30 min. I just prefer you to buy a last item Guardian Angel and you still can do more thing in the teamfights if you maybe 'die'. And another cool thing for Zed is that your ultimate cooldown is little so you can fight so much. This is the reason why you 'have to' buy CDR.
If you feel that you don't to be tanky in late game you can buy Bloodthirster except Randuin's Omen. 

Summoner spells:
Flash - Ignite.

Your full build is:
  • The Black Cleaver
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Ionian boots: Homeguard
  • Last Whisper
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Guardian Angel
Runes for Zed
Mastery for Zed.

This guide is for MID lane but you can try it out on toplane too but top laners are more tanky so its harder.
I wish you good luck let's do it guys! If you have any question you can add me as your friend my name is ProgripLIVE on East/Nordic, bye.

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