2013. december 12., csütörtök

Nasus Guide

Hello guys!
Today I will make a guide for Nasus because you voted for him.
This is one of my favourite champion. I carried my Gold league with this champion.
Your Q is one of the best ability in this game from all champions.

Your early game is hard a bit, but you can do well if you buy some health potions with a little defensive.
Your mastery and your runes have to be on defensive to protect your early game. You have to start lasthit with your Q at first level. If you are good lasthitter there will be no problem for you, but if you aren't just check your Q's damage and enemy minion's health and try to lasthit it with Q. You will gain stacks pretty hardly if you can lasthit with Q well. So for early game I just prefer you to play safe and farm your Q as you can. For first item I prefer Doran's shield with health potion or mana potion if you are offensive player health potion if you are defensive then mana potion. If your opponent is very offensive champion like riven or something like her, you have to buy first item Cloth armor with potions. 

Mid game: This is your time. You have now (I hope) enough stacks 100-200. Now you have the damage to deal with. You have to buy some protection. I just prefer to build your Nasus to full tanky, because you will have enough damage from your Q and you will outharrass your enemy adc pretty easily if you are so tanky as I say. Well your first item can be Randuin's Omen if your opponent on lane still being offensive vs you and he/she is AD. If your opponent is AP you have to buy Spirit Visage 1st. Your second item should be Boots.
You have to buy that one which is more important vs your opponents so if your opponents mostly AP you have to buy Mercury's Treads with Homeguard enchant. If your opponents are AD you have to buy Ninja Tabi with Homeguard enchant ofc. Well you have now 2 item so the third item have to be the Spirit Visage or the Randuin's Omen depends on your first item. I just prefer you to stack your Q as you can all time. This will win you the game 100%. Try to be on teamfights but try to stack if you can and it's possible. 

Late game: The longer your game the more chance to win. You have to build your tanky Nasus to full. I just prefer to buy Trinity force if your opponents can escape from fights good, if they can't you don't really need Trinity Force. If you need some damage buy Bloodthirster, but it's not that important thing. 99% of Nasus players buy Iceborn Gauntlet, but 80% of them don't know that if they lasthit 2 or more minion with their Q at the same time because of this item They won't get the stack for them. But I still prefer this item for you at the lategame because the Q will slow your opponents and you can harrass better. If you can just once get the enemy ADC you 100% get him/her. You are now nearly on full build. You can buy a little damage if you want to deal more I prefer you Last Whisper. If you want to survive fights I prefer you Guardian Angel.
Now you are on full build full tanky with a lot stacks if you lose then try to stack harder your Q and it's 100% you will win. Only 1 way your opponents have if you have good stacks and full build. If your teammates go to afk or directly feed or just playing alone all the time and your another mates going to fight 1v5 2v5 3v5 etc etc. So Nasus is one of the best carry champ in this game in my opinion.

Summoner spells: 
  • Ghost - Teleport for players who can stack pretty hard.(This is the best, you can backdoor with your op Q stacks.)
  • Flash - Ignite for those who want to just be offensive and fight every time.
  • Ghost - Ignite who want to stack and fight too. (This is the hardest but if you do it well you will be op in early game)

Your full build is:
  • Spirit Visage
  • Mercury's Treads
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Trinity Force
  • The Bloodthirster
  • Last Whisper

If your team has enough damage but only you as tank:
  • Spirit Visage
  • Mercury's Treads
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Iceborn Gauntlet/Trinity Force
  • Guardian Angel - Reworked to feel good Corey Martin <3

Runes for nasus.
Runes for Nasus2.
Mastery for Nasus.
This guide is for TOP lane but you can try it out on Jungle too but with smite and ghost or flash and ghost as you want ofc.
I wish you good luck let's do it guys! If you have any question you can add me as your friend my name is ProgripLIVE on East/Nordic, bye.

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